uses legal U.S. trademarks to identify and describe Medicare and other insurance products for shoppers. We do not claim the marks whatsoever. All trademarks remain the property of their owner and are used by only to review, editorialize, and describe the products and services offered by a trademark holder.
The use of third-party trademarks on this site does not indicate any relationship, connection, association, sponsorship, or affiliation between and the trademark holder. is an educational website that does not directly Medicare insurance products (no solicitation of insurance). uses brand names and logos for editorial purposes only, as permitted and governed by U.S. Trademark Fair Use Law. Specifically, nominative fair use permits to reference a mark to identify the actual goods and services that the trademark holder identifies with the mark. The nominative use doctrine, as enunciated by the United States Ninth Circuit (see New Kids on the Block v. News America Publishing, Inc., 971 F.2d 302, 306), protects our legal right to editorialize about brands and products, including the written use of an established mark to describe a product. We further understand that the fair use of a trademark may be protected under copyright laws depending on the complexity or creativity of the mark as a design logo. We base our appropriate use of marks using the three-part test for nominative fair use established by the United States Ninth Circuit. We pay particular attention to removing confusion through prominent disclosure (see Architectural Mailboxes, LLC v. Epoch Design, LLC, 99 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1799).
Insurance carrier legal and brand protection departments concerned with the unauthorized use of protected marks and brand names, please contact