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Does Medicare Cover Zinger Chairs?

Last updated

Mobility aids like the Zinger Chair can help restore a person’s independence and can improve their quality of life.

Differences Between a Zinger Chair and Conventional Wheelchairs

Although a Zinger Chair looks a lot like a conventional wheelchair at a glance, there are major differences between these two types of mobility aids. First, the Zinger Chair is battery-powered and functions more like an electric scooter or motorized wheelchair. Conventional wheelchairs require that a person be pushed by another person via the handles on either side of the backrest, or for the person to propel themselves by using the hand rims attached to the wheelchair’s rear wheels.

A Zinger Chair’s wheel system uses smaller wheels than a conventional wheelchair which enables it to turn tighter corners. Lower armrests also make it easier for the Zinger Chair to fit under a table or a desk. The Zinger Chair’s rear wheels are inflated and adapt to multiple types of terrains while most conventional wheelchairs use narrow wheels that may be challenging to use on grass or gravel.

Zinger Chair vs. Motorized Wheelchairs                                   

Both the build and the function of a Zinger Chair differs greatly from that of a motorized wheelchair, even though both are powered by a battery pack. Most motorized wheelchairs are designed for extended use and must therefore provide the rider with a great deal of cushion and accessible features. The motor and the battery of the typical motorized wheelchair are also more robust than that of the Zinger Chair in order to withstand long hours of use without the need to recharge or switch out the battery pack.

The Zinger Chair’s lightweight build is easier to transport between locations than the typical motorized wheelchair, which may require vehicle modifications so that it can fit inside of a vehicle or roll onto a ramp that attaches at the rear of the vehicle. The Zinger Chair is designed with a durable but lightweight aluminum frame that can fold easily. Its overall size is suitable for storage in small vehicles without the need for additional modifications.

Medicare Coverage for Zinger Chairs

Although Medicare coverage through Part B can be used to acquire many different types of mobility aids, including scooters and wheelchairs, the Zinger Chair is not designed to be a piece of medical equipment. Instead, it is designated as a personal electric vehicle rather than a mobility aid or medical device.

In order to qualify for durable medical equipment coverage under Medicare Part B, the equipment must be deemed medically necessary by your physician and used for a medical reason in the home. Even though the Zinger Chair provides similar mobility assistance as a conventional wheelchair or a motorized wheelchair, it does not currently satisfy the definition of durable medical equipment as determined by Medicare insurance terms.

Policies that dictate the terms of coverage for Medicare are subject to change each year. Recipients should stay up-to-date on these changes in case new coverage policies allow more products, like the Zinger Chair, to qualify as durable medical equipment.

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