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Does Medicare Cover Jevity?

Last updated

Jevity is an oral supplement and tube-feeding formula. The manufacturer, Abbott Nutrition, describes it as a high-calorie, fiber-fortified therapeutic form of balanced nutrition that can be used for both short-term and long-term tube feeding. Its use must be supervised by a medical practitioner. It is not intended for intravenous use, but it is kosher, halal, gluten-free and suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.

Tube Feeding Using Jevity
The medical reference for tube feeding is enteral or enteric feeding, which refers to the intestinal area. In some cases, patients unable to consume food by mouth are dispensed nutrition through a tube leading directly to the stomach or small intestine. A nurse or doctor would insert the tube in the mouth (orogastric) or nose (nasogastric) and direct it to the stomach. In some cases, the doctor may make a small incision in the abdomen to place the feeding tube in the stomach (gastrotomy) or the small intestine (jejunostomy). Tube feeding may be either supplemental or a full intake of the calories required to prevent malnutrition.

Enteral feeding may be prescribed if a person is unable to eat normally and may have experienced a stroke, cancer, critical illness, serious injury or gastrointestinal malfunction. For infants or youths, it could be a treatment for failure to thrive. In some cases, it may be that an increase in calories is needed due to a neurological or movement malady.

Medicare Benefits for Jevity
Medicare Part B covers enteral nutrition supplies and equipment. The equipment, which would be the feeding pump, falls under the category of prosthetic devices. These are implements that replace body parts or functions. Under Medicare Part B benefits, the recipient is responsible for 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the enteral infusion pump if the qualified supplier is enrolled in Medicare. Oral nutritional supplements are not covered under enteral nutrition therapy.

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you will have at least the same Part A and Part B benefits as Original Medicare, but many MA plans include additional benefits. Check with your plan to find out exact costs and coverage for Jevity.

Medical Nutrition Therapy Services
When researching Part B Medicare benefits, be sure not to confuse enteral nutritional therapy with medical nutrition therapy (MNT). The latter applies to Medicare recipients with diabetes or kidney disease. For MNT coverage, the services must be referred by your doctor and provided by registered dietitians or qualified professional nutritionists.

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