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Does Medicare Cover Birth Control?

Last updated

Birth control options have come a long way in recent decades, and although birth control’s main purpose is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, it can also be prescribed to treat hormonal imbalance and other conditions. The medical benefits of some contraceptives have become vital for millions of women across the United States. Contraceptives are not without their drawbacks and potential side effects, so you will want to discuss your individual healthcare needs with your physician before deciding on any particular birth control.

Does Medicare Cover Birth Control?
Even though many Medicare recipients are past their reproductive years, many individuals under the age of 65 receive Medicare benefits due to certain disabilities. As a result, Medicare may provide coverage for birth control.

The most common type of birth control is an oral medication that is taken most days of the month to prevent pregnancy; however, there are other methods of birth control that include injections and cervical devices.

Original Medicare Part A and Part B help cover the costs of many medical expenses, but they do not include prescription drug coverage. Many Medicare recipients choose to enroll in Medicare Part D coverage to get help paying for prescription medications. If you are enrolled in Original Medicare, you can enroll in a stand-alone prescription drug plan (PDP). Many Medicare recipients choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that includes prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, will usually cover oral contraceptives, but coverage for other forms of birth control may not be as easy to obtain. If a contraceptive medication is administered via injection, it may be covered under Medicare Part B.

Medicare in Relation to Medicaid
Approximately 70% of women within child-bearing years who are receiving Medicare due to a disability also qualify for Medicaid. In such cases, dual-eligibles may have help paying for birth control. Medicaid services are regulated by the federal government, but individual states may have their own rules and restrictions.

Talk to Your Physician or Specialist
In any case of contraceptive use, whether through medication, prophylactic protection or other means, it’s very important to discuss your situation with your physician or gynecologist. Birth control medications can come with a range of side effects, including the development of cardiovascular problems that may be life-threatening. You will need to be evaluated for overall health as well as sexual health, and should discuss any medications you are currently taking with your doctor to make sure no potential dangerous interactions exist.

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