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Does Medicare Cover Walk-in Clinics?

Last updated

Walk-in clinics serve an important role in the health care world by providing services without the need for an appointment. Medicare recipients may find they need the care provided by a walk-in clinic, so understanding their options when it comes to coverage can help them avoid excessive out-of-pocket expenses.

Understanding When to Choose Walk-In Clinics

In the past, walk-in clinics were the first stop for people in need of care who did not have insurance and did not want to go to a hospital emergency room for help. Now, walk-in clinics serve a variety of patients, both those who have insurance coverage and those who don’t.

While a walk-in clinic, which may also be called an urgent care center, should not be used in place of establishing continuity of care with a primary care physician, it can help you get the care you need quickly in case your usual doctor is not available. Most clinics provide care later than a traditional doctor’s office, including late nights and weekend hours.

Regular physician services, such as diagnosing common colds, moderate cuts, aches and pains, as well as fevers or rashes, can all be done at a walk-in clinic. Many other minor injuries, such as determining if you have a sprain or a fracture, can also be addressed at a walk-in clinic. These facilities will usually request your primary care physician’s information so that they can refer you to them for any follow-up needs and forward any treatment information to them as a reference.

Differences Between a Walk-In Clinic and Emergency Room

Walk-in clinics are not designed to treat severe or life-threatening medical conditions. By nature, they have limited diagnostic equipment and their doctors, nurses and staff are only prepared to handle minor issues rather than the complex needs an emergency room team can handle.

Emergency rooms are typically connected to an actual hospital and patients who are experiencing an acute medical need can be taken in for immediate care by a team trained to address their needs. An emergency room team may include specialists on duty or on call who can diagnose serious medical conditions and perform advanced procedures to stabilize a person’s condition.

Walk-in clinics will usually ask patients what their symptoms are at the sign-in desk and refer them to an emergency room if their needs exceed the capabilities of a clinic.

Medicare Coverage for Walk-In Clinics

With Medicare Part B insurance, places like walk-in clinics or urgent care centers are covered as outpatient care, which means recipients can expect to pay a 20% coinsurance once their Part B deductible is met and the facility is Medicare-certified.

Medicare coverage with a Medicare Advantage plan may enhance these benefits through some providers. While many Medicare Advantage plans may require recipients choose primary care physicians and other specialists from an approved network, the rules for choosing an urgent care or walk-in clinic may be more universal due to the short-term and sudden need for this type of care.

Recipients who are interested in reducing their possible out-of-pocket costs with Medicare insurance may choose to enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan, which may cover copayment or coinsurance amounts for outpatient services like this. These plans are standardized, so they offer the same benefits no matter which private insurer offers them, but they may not be available in every state.

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