Learning Center

Does Medicare Cover Keratoconus?

The cornea of the eye is an integral part of proper sight as it protects the iris and pupil and refracts light to allow for focus. In a healthy eye, the cornea is shaped like a dome as it hugs the curved surface of the eyeball, but in some cases,…

Does Medicare Cover Klonopin?

Klonopin is the brand name of the generic medication Clonazepam which is a benzodiazepine that affects unbalanced chemicals in the brain. It is a scheduled medication to protect users from potential abuse. Today, physicians prescribe Klonopin for the prevention and treatment of seizure disorders including Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, panic disorders like…

Does Medicare cover JOBST stockings?

JOBST is a popular brand of compression stockings, marketed as relief stockings to treat the symptoms of venous disease. Sometimes referred to as pressure socks, these garments are available for men and women with styles that reach to the knee, thigh and waist. They are also available in different compression…

Does Medicare Cover Kyleena?

Most people think of Medicare only as health insurance for people over the age of 65, but Medicare covers millions of people who are younger than 65, too. People who have certain disabilities or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) may also be eligible for insurance coverage through Medicare benefits. In the…

Does Medicare Cover IHSS?

IHSS stands for In-Home Supportive Services. It is a publicly funded program that helps pay for care at home for those who are eligible. IHSS recipients must be 65 years or older, blind, or disabled and in need of assistance in order to remain at home. IHSS care may take…

Does Medicare Cover Janumet?

As people get older, the risk for type 2 diabetes increases. In the United States there are over 25 million people who have diabetes, and close to 27 percent of them are older than 65. Surveys show that instances of diabetes rise from 3.9 percent in adults between 40 and…

Does Medicare Cover ED Pumps?

Erectile dysfunction is a common medical condition, especially among older men, and it can have a variety of causes. For some men, psychological factors like stress can play a large part in the development of erectile dysfunction, but for others, medications and lifestyle may come into play. When these causes…

Does Medicare Cover Gabapentin?

Neuropathy is a disorder that affects the nerves and essentially eliminates their ability to properly pass along sensation. This condition often leads to numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the affected areas, although some people may experience sensitivity to touch. This sensitivity is often caused by confusion in the body’s…

Does Medicare Cover Zejula?

Ovarian cancer and cancers of the Fallopian tubes are among the most common types of cancer women face as they get older. Fortunately, chemotherapy treatment for these types of cancer has proven to be incredibly beneficial for women battling the disease. Today, women of all ages who are affected by…