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Five Things Medicare May Not Cover

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that the U.S. government developed for seniors who have reached age 65 and for individuals under the age of 65 with certain disabilities. While Medicare does help cover many healthcare costs, there are services and supplies that are not covered by Medicare. Understanding…

Does Medicare Cover the Hepatitis A Vaccine?

Hepatitis A is a type of viral infection that primarily affects the liver. Unlike other forms of the Hepatitis virus, Hepatitis A is primarily spread through food and beverages that contain infected materials, often fecal matter. This may occur when someone neglects to wash his or her hands after using…

Does Medicare Cover Xen Gel Stent?

When you think about the dangers of high blood pressure, you likely think about the cardiovascular system and damage to the heart; however, high blood pressure can lead to damage and dysfunction in virtually every part of the body, including the eyes. Glaucoma is a condition of the eye that…

Does Medicare Cover Lipoma Removal?

The human body produces a huge variety of different types of cells and cell structures, and while most cells are designed to work in harmony with one another, some cells may grow improperly or experience overgrowth. When radical cell growth takes place, the result can be a tumor. Some tumors…

Does Medicare Cover AUVI-Q?

AUVI-Q is a one of the many EpiPen products that is available for those who experience severe allergies. This auto-injector pen contains epinephrine, which primarily works to constrict, or narrow, the blood vessels in the body and open up the airways in the lungs. When a person is having an…

Does Medicare Cover Testosterone Pellets?

Testosterone is a critical hormone in the human body for both men and women. Levels of testosterone are higher in men, but can start to lessen with age. Testosterone pellets are small, and when placed under the skin, they can slowly deliver testosterone into the body over a prolonged period…

Does Medicare Cover Kinesio Taping?

Kinesiology is the science or study of human muscular movement. Kinesiology tape, sometimes referred to as kinesio tape, is aptly named since it is applied to the muscles. The brand name is KT Tape. The tape is generally a composite of adhesive, cotton and spandex. This composition facilitates the capacity…

Does Medicare Cover 24-Hour Hospice Care?

Arranging end-of-life care can be a stressful and difficult time for any family, especially when their loved one requires 24-hour attention by skilled health professionals. Medicare benefits may be available to help cover some of the costs associated with 24-hour hospice care. Understanding Hospice Care A patient whose physician has…